
2022年3月5日—Youcanshareoneormorefilesandfoldersonyourcomputer,andsynchronizethemwithyourownCloudserver.Placefilesinyourlocal ...,ThisguidedescribesadministrationtasksforownCloud,theflexibleopensourcefilesynchronizationandsharingsolution.ownCloudincludestheownCloud ...,WelcometotheownCloudServerdocumentation.Thesedocumentsprovideanadminguidewithinformationforinstallation,configurationandadmini...

ownCloud User Manual

2022年3月5日 — You can share one or more files and folders on your computer, and synchronize them with your ownCloud server. Place files in your local ...

Introduction :

This guide describes administration tasks for ownCloud, the flexible open source file synchronization and sharing solution. ownCloud includes the ownCloud ...

Introduction to ownCloud Server

Welcome to the ownCloud Server documentation. These documents provide an admin guide with information for installation, configuration and administrative tasks ...

ownCloud Documentation Overview :

ownCloud Server is an open source LAMP-stack-based server application that allows you to access your files from anywhere in a secure way. The files are stored ...

ownCloud App and Client Releases

ownCloud provides in-depth documentation for three different releases. This in-depth documentations contain an online browser-based and pdf version.

Providing Default Files

You may distribute a set of default files and folders to all users by placing them in the owncloud/core/skeleton directory on your ownCloud server.


ownCloud Documentation · The platform and tools used to build the documentation is Antora. · The file format that the documentation is written in is AsciiDoc.


Give staff an easy, flexible and secure way to share files and folders. Safely involve contacts outside your organization with select documents. Share public ...


The ownCloud documentation is where you can find all information that you need.

Docs & Guides

Learn more about our documentation, manuals and various support channels. Get in touch with our developers community and customer support.

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MEGAsync 4.2.5 MEGA空間電腦同步工具
